"Line Properties" Section

This section describes the appearance of the lines forming the shape, and also the shape and size of the arrowheads which geometries may have at their ends.


This parameter sets the dash or dot pattern for the line. One of the following values can be used:

0 - the line is invisible;
1 - the line is solid;
2 - 16 - different dash or dot patterns.


Describes the line weight. One unit equals one tenth of millimeter. The valid value range is 1 to 500 units.
It is also possible to set the zero (0) line weight. Such a line is displayed at a width of 1 unit, but its visual thickness is not changed when you zoom in or out on the page.


Specifies the line color. The value in the field corresponds to the color number in the color palette of the document. The value range is 0 to 255.


This parameter specifies the type of arrowhead for the beginning of each geometry of the shape. You can use one of the following values:
0 - no arrowhead;
1 - 60 - different arrowhead types.


This parameter specifies the type of arrowhead for the end of each geometry of the shape. You can use one of the following values:
0 - no arrowhead;
1 - 60 - different arrowhead types.


Specifies the size of the arrows on the shape. The following sizes are available:
0 - Tiny;
1 - Small;
2 - Medium;
3 - Large;
4 - Huge.

You don't need to specify the name of the section when you reference to variables from the Line Properties section:


Note:  Alternatively, you can change these settings in the Shape Properties dialog (Format menu).

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